Thursday, July 24, 2008

ABCs of Income Tax Avoidance, by Floyd Wright

From the back cover of ABCs of Income Tax Avoidance:

Do Not File Another 1040 Tax Form, Until You've Read This Book and: Beat the IRS? I Did!, also by Floyd Wright.

From the Foreword:

Asset protection.
Bankers, blackmail and bribery.
Change your attitude and status.

These are the ABCs of Income Tax Avoidance. The following pages will indicate a number of methods by which the reader can protect his or her wealth from the money grabbers. There will be a few clues to indicate the bankers are the real source of our problems. And the bankers use of their money in the form of blackmail and bribery of Congress is almost certain. Finally, it will be pointed out that a change in your former beliefs and a change in your economic arrangements with your government is necessary for successful Income Tax Avoidance.

Table of Contents:

The Enemy
Mouth Control
Beginning Homework
Asset Protection
Wage Earner Info
Changing Attitude & Status
First Use
An Offensive Tactic
A Final Word

More book reviews. More about the ABCs of Tax Avoidance.

ABCs of Income Tax Avoidance is available from Amazon:
ABCs of Income Tax Avoidance by Floyd Wright

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest, by Edmund Wilson

From the back cover:

A slashing, slam-bang attack on the Federal income-tax system, Federal bureaucracy, Federal spending, and, most of all on the principal Federal expense item, the Cold War... indictment, a protest -- one man's lone and vehement stand against what he considers the government's outrageous betrayal of civil liberty.

The Cold War and the Income Tax, by Edmund Wilson, Table of Contents:

A Bad Case of Tax Delinquency
A Delinquent in the Hands of the IRS
Everybody is Under Suspicion
What Rip van Winkle Woke Up To
Bureaucratic Theology: The Tax Jungle
The Point of View of a Former Socialist
What Our Money is Going For
What About American Literature?
How Can We Account for Ourselves?
The Artificial Cholera Epidemic
The Soft Sell for the CBR
How Free is the Free World?
The Case of Major Eatherly
The Strategy of Tax Refusal

More tax resistance book reviews. More about the The Cold War and the Income Tax by Edmund Wilson.

The Cold War and the Income Tax is available from Amazon:
The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest by Edmund Wilson (hardcover)
The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest by Edmund Wilson (paperback)

The Swiss Bank Connection, by Leslie Waller

From the Covers of The Swiss Bank Connection, by Leslie Waller:

Switzerland Where the Hot Money Goes and Grows

The connection between The Mafia, Big Business, U.S. Politicians, and their silent partner, The Banks


The Swiss and the Americans -- The Heathen as Customers
The Anatomy of Organized Crime
The Anatomy of the Swiss Banking System
Swiss Banking Services -- Anything for Anybody
How to Go to Jail Without Even Trying -- The Hughes-Irving Affair
Cracking Swiss Banking Secrecy -- The Father's Story
Strangers in Paradise -- The Bright Side
Strangers in Paradise -- The Dark Side
The Banks -- Everybody's Silent Partner
Corporate Immortality -- The I. G. Farben Affair
When Is a Crime Not a Crime?
Swiss Secrecy -- Where It Stands Today

More international finance book reviews. More about The Swiss Bank Connection, by Leslie Waller.

The Swiss Bank Connection is available for sale at:
The Swiss Bank Connection by Leslie Waller

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Man versus the State, by Herbert Spencer

From the Dust Jacket of a Classic Edition of The Man versus the State:

A Classic Statement of the Case for Individual Liberty -- A Theme Revived in an Acute Form by the Struggle between the Democratic and Totalitarian Systems.

... we are in a course of rebarbarization, and that there is no prospect but that of military despotisms, which we are rapidly approaching.

From the Introduction:

... this work [Social Statics; or, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified] ... established and made clear the fundamental principle that society should be organized on the basis of voluntary cooperation, not on the basis of compulsory cooperation, or under the threat of it. In a word, it established the principle of individualism as against Statism -- against the principle underlying all collectivist doctrines which are everywhere dominant at the present time.

The Man versus the State Table of Contents:

The New Toryism
The Coming Slavery
From Freedom to Bondage
The Sins of Legislators
The Great Political Superstition

More political freedom reviews. More about the The Man versus the State by Herbert Spencer.

Several editions of The Man versus the State by Herbert Spencer are available at Amazon, including:

The Business End of Government, by Dan Smoot

About Dan Smoot's The Business End of Government

The business end of government is a gun. Dan Smoot's book is "An in-depth look at how Federal regulators threaten to destroy the American businessman."

From the back cover of The Business End of Government:

The American Businessman has been the driving force in the economic success of our free-enterprise system. Today, his survival is being threatened -- not by the hazards of the marketplace or the pressures of competition but by the very government he is taxed to support and which was instituted to secure his liberty.

From the Introduction:

Mao Tse-Tung, the father of the Communist dictatorship in China, is widely quoted as having said: "Power comes out the barrel of a gun." According to a recent report of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Mao has used that power to murder nearly 64 million of his own people -- many for no other reason than that owning a small piece of land has made them capitalists.

Identifying the same principle, George Washington, the father of our country, observed: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force." But Washington, loving liberty, devoted himself to binding down that force with the once powerful chains of the Constitution, defending, the right of free men to live, produce, and prosper in a free economy.


Railroading the Public
Unions and Labor
The Fourth Branch: Regulation
Harassment: The OSHA Syndrome
The FDA Con Game
Farming and Framing the Taxpayers
Federal Form Pollution
A Can of Legal Worms
The Price of 600 Birds
Yardsticks and Clubs
Cleaning Up and Trussing Up
Is the Goose in the Oven?

More valuable book reviews. More about the The Business End of Government.

The Business End of Government is available at:
The Business End of Government by Dan Smoot

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Kingdom of Moltz, by Irwin Schiff

The Kingdom of Moltz -- Inflation Explained Simply:

Cover text includes "About Inflation and Where it Comes From", "Puzzled by Inflation? This Book Proves that any 10 Year Old can Explain Where Inflation Comes from and Why".

Cartoon book written by Irwin Schiff and illustrated by Andrew Ice. Especially suitable for children as well as adults.

From the Back Cover:

Puzzled by inflation? This book proves that any 10 year old can explain where inflation comes from and why!

From the Introduction:

To write of "inflation" is to write of people's infinite capacity to be tricked by politicians.

More understanding inflation books. More about The Kingdom of Moltz by Irwin Schiff.

Irwin Schiff's The Kingdom of Moltz is available from Amazon at:
The Kingdom of Moltz by Irwin Schiff

The Miracle on Main Street; Saving Yourself and America from Financial Ruin, by F. Tupper Saussy

About The Miracle on Main Street, by F. Tupper Saussy:

Frederick Tupper Saussy's forbears emigrated from France to Savannah, Georgia, in the early 19th century "not because of any 'American Dream'," he explains, "but because the people of the United States had just created the world's finest Constitution. The French know quality."

From the Foreword:

Distinguished economics experts, Nobel Prize winners, and White House advisors notwithstanding, The Miracle on Main Street contains the only lawful and workable solution there can ever be to our worsening financial woes, public and private. Amazingly, this solution is already with us, built into the mechanics of our government. But the design is such that the solution must be activated from OUTSIDE government, activated by you and me -- the people.

Table of Contents -- The Miracle on Main Street:

Prologue: Exodus from the Ideasphere
The Gathering Tragedy
The Only Cause of Inflation
The Right to Alter and Abolish
A Favourable Crisis for Crushing Paper Money
A Sudden Sense of Prosperity and Tranquility
Weavers of "The American Dream": The Friends of Paper Money
Brother Max
Is Dream Money Lawful Money?
Starting the Miracle by Reducing the Ignorance Factor
The Proper Course for Government
Under Investigation
Putting the Constitution into Your Everyday Conversation
A Lesson They'll Never Forget
The Miracle on Main Street
Understanding Government for What it Really Is
Epilogue: The Illusion of Status Quo

More books about real gold money. More about The Miracle on Main Street by Tupper Saussy.

The Miracle on Main Street is available from Amazon:
The Miracle on Main Street; Saving Yourself and America from Financial Ruin by F. Tupper Saussy

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Survive a Spastic Economy; A Guide to Successful Investment & Management in Tomorrow's Economy, by David E. Rhoads

About How to Survive a Spastic Economy, by David E. Rhoads:

There is nothing mysterious about our plight. Our government is involved in the age-old game of debauching the currency.

A wealth-destruction process has to take place in this world in the near future. It can occur in several forms. But occur it must.

...But do not despair. There are ways to defend yourself against market fluctuations. And remember, the fluctuations that create poverty for the uninitiated will (at the same time) create wealth for those who do understand them.

Partial Table of Contents for How to Survive a Spastic Economy:

Things Your Mother Never Told You About Economics (What's Happening to You and Why)
Cracks Appear
Time for a Break?
Tell Me When (Cycles)
Why Such Different Forecast Scenarios? (Deflation/Inflation)
The Extreme Can Happen
The Quick and the Dead (Investment in a Spastic Economy)
Travel Light
Principles of Speculation
Checking the Economic Weather (Deflation/Inflation Defenses)
Action (Decision Table/Sample Portfolio)
List of Charts or Graphs

More inflation protection book reviews. More about How to Survive a Spastic Economy by David E. Rhoads.

How to Survive a Spastic Economy; A Guide to Successful Investment & Management in Tomorrow's Economy is available in several editions at Amazon:
How to Survive a Spastic Economy by David E. Rhoads
How to Survive a Spastic Economy by David E. Rhoads
How to Survive a Spastic Economy by David E. Rhoads
How to Survive a Spastic Economy by David E. Rhoads

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

About Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead:

The Fountainhead "... is the story of an intransigent young architect, of his violent battle against the world's standards and conventions, and of his explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who loved him passionately, yet struggled to defeat him."

The Fountainhead
"... is based on a challenging belief in the importance of selfishness, on the provocative idea that man's ego is the fountainhead of human progress. It is chiefly the story of Howard Roark, Architect -- a man whose sole aim in life was to build, and to build not in the tradition of the past but only in the tradition of Howard Roark."

"Ellsworth Toohey, champion of the downtrodden, was one of the few people who understood Roark and was smart enough to know why he wanted Roark destroyed. Ellsworth Toohey's characterization in The Fountainhead is a beautifully achieved picture of the inherent viciousness in apparently benign humanitarianism."

"Dominique Franchon understood Roark and loved him, but she too tried once to destroy him."

"These are [some of] the important characters of a truly great book. Ayn Rand has written a dramatic, action-filled book of tremendous scope against a fascinating background of a profession heretofore little described in fiction."

"Brilliantly written and daringly original, here is a novel about a hero -- and about those who tried to destroy him."

The Fountainhead Table of Contents:

Peter Keating

Ellsworth M. Toohey

Gail Wynand

Howard Roark

More Ayn Rand books. More about the The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

The Fountainhead is available at Amazon:
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (hardcover)
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (paperback)

For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, by Ayn Rand

About Ayn Rand's For the New Intellectual:

"Who are to be the New Intellectuals?"
"Any man or woman who is willing to think. All those who know that man's life must be guided by reason, those who value their own life and are not willing to surrender it to the cult of despair in the modern jungle of cynical impotence, just as they are not willing to surrender the world to the Dark Ages and the rule of the brutes."

"In the introductory essay 'For the New Intellectual' -- a tour de force of psychological-philosophical interpretation -- Ayn Rand offers an analysis of Western culture, the causes of its progress, its decline, its present crisis, and the road to an intellectual renaissance."

"This book presents the essentials of Ayn Rand's philosophy 'for those who wish to acquire an integrated view of existence'. In the title essay she offers an analysis of Western culture, discusses the causes of its progress, its decline, its present bankruptcy, and points the road to an intellectual renaissance."

"What is the essence of her philosophy? That man's mind is fully competent to perceive reality -- that reason is man's exclusive tool of knowledge and his only guide to action -- that man is an end to himself, not a means to the ends of others, and that rational self-interest is the moral purpose of his life -- that justice, not self-sacrifice, is the proper principle of social relationships -- that 'a free mind and a free market are corollaries,' and their politico-economic expression is laissez-faire capitalism."

For the New Intellectual Table of Contents:


For the New Intellectual

We the Living


The Fountainhead
The Nature of the Second-Hander
The Soul of a Collectivist
The Soul of an Individualist

Atlas Shrugged
The Meaning of Money
The Martyrdom of the Industrialist
The Moral Meaning of Capitalism
The Meaning of Sex
"From Each According to His Ability, to Each According to His Need"
The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine
The Nature of an Artist
"This is John Galt Speaking"

More Ayn Rand books. More about the For the New Intellectual by Ayn Rand.

For the New Intellectual is available at Amazon:
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (paperback)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Reluctant Taxpayer, by William L. Raby and Carl Riblet, Jr.

From the Back Cover:

Have you ever entertained the wild possibility of saying NO to the tax collector? Well, it's not as farfetched as you might think.

The Reluctant Taxpayer explains when and how to fight the IRS, and what appeals procedures are available. It reveals the kind of deductions and exemptions that are considered reasonable and warns of others that are sure to cause trouble.

The Reluctant Taxpayer Table of Contents:

The Taxpayer's Position
What's Sauce for the Goose
The People Who Work for IRS
You and the IRS Agent
Your Rights in a Tax Fight
Where and How to Sue IRS
Whose Income Is It?
A Matter of Principle
Unique Tax Arguments
When Gifts Are Income
Medical Expenses
Using the Tax Power to Punish
Tax Cheats and Fraud
Divorce and Taxes
Charitable Deductions
The IRS Does Not Respect Age
Real Estate
The Capital Gains Struggle
The Special Agent
Offers in Compromise
Procedures for Appeal
Tax Court of the United States

More tax resistance book reviews. More about The Reluctant Taxpayer.

The Reluctant Taxpayer is available for sale at Amazon:
The Reluctant Taxpayer by William L. Raby and Carl Riblet, Jr.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Compleat Patriot, by Phillip Marsh

About The Compleat Patriot:

Phillip Marsh was a founder of the Pilot Connection, educating Americans about their rights. He was branded as a so-called illegal tax protester and railroaded by the IRS.

From the back cover:

If you have never heard of the present American patriot movement, you will be thrilled to find out that modern-day men, of the same stature of our founding fathers, are leading the fight for freedom today.

Table of Contents for Phillip Marsh's The Compleat Patriot:

Freedom: Myth? Or Fact?
The Conspiracy: Real or Imagined?
Of Human Greed
Money: The Root of All Evil?
The Law: How It Got That Way
The Courts: Friend and Protector or Foe?
Taxes: Are They Really Necessary?
Who Owns the Constitution Anyway?
How Did We Lose Our Sovereignty?
NNUSA -- New Nation U.S.A.
The Great Social Security Scam
How to Handle the W-4 Issue
Hope for the Future
The Media Hoax
A Look at Your Enemy
U.S.A. Today -- Republic? Or Dictatorship?
Rally 'Round the Flag?
Building a Foundation Against a 7203 (IRC) Charge
We Can Win with a Few Good Men (and Women)
Accepting Change

More tax resistance book reviews. More about the The Compleat Patriot by Phillip Marsh.

The Compleat Patriot is available for sale at Amazon:
The Compleat Patriot by Phillip Marsh

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who's Afraid of the IRS?, by Lynn Johnston

About Who's Afraid of the IRS?:

Who's Afraid of the IRS? came about as a result of Lyn Johnston's discovery that she, and most people, does not owe any income taxes, despite IRS illegal operations, obfuscations, propaganda, and terrorist tactics.

From the Back Cover:

What country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that its people preserve the spirit of resistance.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father

The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless.
-- Jim Davidson, National Taxpayers Union

Partial Table of Contents for Who's Afraid of the IRS by Miss Lynn Johnston:

Paying the Piper
American Values and Constitutional Liberties
The Right to Revolt
Juries -- Where Your Vote Really Counts!
April's Most Unpopular Day
The Sixteenth Amendment
The Money Issue
Tax Ulcers: 'Tis Better to Give Than Receive
The End to Withholding
The Barrier of Public Protection Forms
Taming Government Arrogance
IRS Anxieties
Constitutional Information
Laws and History
Ulcer Devices
Plug-In Legal Forms
Illustrations and Forms

More income tax resistance book reviews. More about Who's Afraid of the IRS?, by Lynn Johnston.

Who's Afraid of the IRS? is available from Amazon at:
Who's Afraid of the IRS? by Miss Lynn Johnston

The Channel Island Report: How to Acquire a Tax Haven Domicile, by W.G. "Bill" Hill

Contents for The Channel Island Report: How to Acquire a Tax Haven Domicile:

Why move to a tax haven?
The enchanted isle -- Sark
Simple but not backward
How is it all kept going?
An accident of history
Sark as a tax haven
How does Sark compare?
Are you a Perpetual Tourist?
Reasons for considering legal residence/domicile on Sark
Other considerations
Advantages for retired people
Immigration and Passports
Driving licences and vehicle registration
Gateway to the fiscal paradise
Guernsey and the European Community
Travel to Guernsey/Sark
Hotels/accommodation on Sark
Banks on Guernsey

More asset protection book reviews. More about the The Channel Island Report: How to Acquire a Tax Haven Domicile.

The Channel Island Report is available for sale at:
The Channel Island Report: How to Acquire a Tax Haven Domicile by W. G. Hill

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Law v. Freedom, by Anthony L. Hargis

About Anthony L. Hargis' Law v. Freedom:

Most everyone in the liberty movement has a plan for eventually establishing a free market; they all require that everyone be free at the same time -- whether they want to be or not. Have you any idea how long you must wait for everyone to be persuaded of freedom's advantages?

According to the standard plan for establishing a free market, you'll be dead before it happens.

If you can't wait this long ... [Hargis] tells you how to increase your freedom now ... whether everyone wants us to or not.

Partial Table of Contents for Law v. Freedom:

Insanity v Sanity
The Impotence of the Freedom Movement
The Foundation of Freedom
The Individual
The Business Enterprise
The Free Market Business Trust
Gold Accounting
The Market and Social Consequences of a Free Market Trust
The Society
The Common Law
The Power of a Jury: Judges of Law
Who Shall Build a Free Market?

More books about real money vs. fiat money. More about Law v. Freedom by Anthony Hargis.

Law v. Freedom is available from Amazon Books:
Law v. Freedom, by Anthony L. Hargis
Law v. Freedom, by Anthony L. Hargis

A Declaration of Financial Independence, by John Grandbouche

From the Introduction to A Declaration of Financial Independence: of the strictest mandates in our Constitution is against paper money. Article I Section 10 says that "No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."

From Chapter I:

Thus it is easy to understand how law, instead of checking injustice, becomes the invincible weapon of injustice. It is easy to understand why the law is used by the legislator to destroy in varying degrees among the rest of the people, their personal independence by slavery, their liberty by oppression, and their property by plunder. This is done for the benefit of the person who makes the law, and in proportion to the power that he holds.
-- Frederic Bastiat, 1801-1850

Table of Contents for A Declaration of Financial Independence:

In the Beginning
Why You Need Financial Freedom
The Federal Reserve Fraud
A Fluctuating Medium of Exchange
The National Commodity and Barter Association
Your Ticket to Freedom: Warehouse Exchanges
The World's Only Free Society
The Law, Part One: Common Law and Equity
The Law, Part Two: The Constitution and the Declaration
The Law, Part Three: The Separation of Powers
The Law, Part Four: The Separation of Jurisdictions
Get Into Politics!
Seeing the Change
A Caveat Against "Religion"
A Winning Attitude
The Declaration
The Constitution
Constitutional Protections
Money Facts
My Personal Declaration

More book reviews about fiat money. More about A Declaration of Financial Independence.

A Declaration of Financial Independence is available for sale at:
A Declaration of Financial Independence by John Grandbouche

Monday, July 14, 2008

Clichés of Socialism, by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Leonard E. Read

About Cliches of Socialism, from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE):
Failure to answer socialistic clichés has effectively silenced many a spokesman for freedom.

Clichés of Socialism is a collection of suggested answers to some of the most common arguments used in favor of socialism today.

From the Frontspiece:

When a devotee of private property, free market, limited government principles states his position, he is inevitably confronted with a barrage of socialistic clichés. Failure to answer these has effectively silenced many a spokesman for freedom.

Here are suggested answers to some of the most persistent of the "Clichés of Socialism." These are not the only answers or even the best possible answers; but they may help you or others to develop better explanations of the ideas on liberty that are the only effective displacement for the empty promises of socialism.

Partial Table of Contents for Cliches of Socialism:

The more complex the society, the more government control we need
If we had no social security, many people would go hungry
The government should do for the people what the people are unable to do for themselves
The right to strike is conceded, but ...
Too much government? Just what would you cut out?
The size of the national debt doesn't matter because we owe it to ourselves
Why, you'd take us back to the horse and buggy
The free market ignores the poor
Man is born for cooperation, not competition
Americans squander their incomes on themselves while public needs are neglected
Labor unions are too powerful today, but were useful in the past
We have learned to counteract and thus avoid any serious depression
Human rights are more important than property rights
... and many more more essays ...
The Authors of Clichés of Socialism:
These answers to various socialistic clichés are by authors such as Leonard E. Read, Paul L. Poirot, Murray N. Rothbard, Hans F. Sennholz, R. C. Hoiles, Robert LeFevre, W. M. Curtiss, Roland W. Holmes, Dean Russell, Thomas J. Shelly, Henry Hazlitt, W. C. Mullendore, Harold Brayman, Benjamin A. Rogge, Willis H. Hall, Jack Morano.

More political book reviews. More about the Cliches of Socialism (FEE).

Cliches of Socialism is available in various editions from Amazon, including:
Cliches of Socialism
The Law and Cliches of Socialism

Do Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You: The Taxpayer Strikes Back, by Red Beckman

About Red Beckman's Do Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You:

He ["Red" Beckman] believes we are committing national suicide. We are destroying ourselves by allowing tax consumers to decide what is a fair share [of taxes]. We also gave our consent when fear and force are used by tax consumers to collect taxes. This is an insanity which is discouraging the production of jobs and wealth.

From the Introduction:

Every single person [in the U.S.A.] was given sovereignty by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. But what good, or value, is sovereignty if one does not know how to exercise it?

The Taxpayer Strikes Back Table of Contents:

Letter to the I.R.S. #1
Letter to the I.R.S. #2
Letter to the I.R.S. #3
Letter to the I.R.S. #4
Letter to the I.R.S. #5
Letter to the I.R.S. #6
Summary of Letters
How to Enjoy an I.R.S. Tax Audit
The Biggest Cover-up
Stolen Votes
Portrait of an American Traitor
One Nation Under God or Caesar?
If You Don't Know the Solution
The New Minority
While People Sleep
Consent of the Governed
You, Me and the Fed
We Can Bring Honest Government Back
Three Votes of the People
Declaration of Independence
Constitution of the United States of America
Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto

More income tax resistance book reviews. More about Do Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You.

Do Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You is available from Amazon:
Do Unto the IRS as They Would Do Unto You: The Taxpayer Strikes Back

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Born Again Republic, by Red Beckman

About Red Beckman's Born Again Republic:

Fear of the I.R.S. permeates our society. Our government consumes over half the wealth produced by our productive people. The hard-working citizen is forced to pay and pay as government becomes an insane monster.

We, the people, did this to ourselves. The I.R.S. has no power to send a taxpayer to jail. The people are called for jury duty and it is the guilty verdict of that jury which gave the I.R.S. its power to terrorize and abuse.

Can we find one good, informed, and hard-headed citizen on each and every jury who will say 'NOT GUILTY', 'NOT GUILTY' until he either hangs the jury or educates the rest of the jury?

Will you vote on the jury to protect your fellow citizens from bad law written by dishonest politicians? Will you vote yourself free of fear and big government? Your vote on the jury is your most important vote. Vote for 'We the People'.

Born Again Republic Table of Contents:

What Revolution?
Democracy vs. Constitutional Republic
Laws & More Laws
The Brain Scrubbers
The Pious Puppets
The Sugar Daddies and the Free Lunch Syndrome
The Selected Figurehead
Rehabilitate the Judges
The Fear Peddlers
The Montana Story
Let No One Blame Another
Declaration of Independence
United States Constitution
Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
While People Sleep
Red's Testimony on I.R.S. Abuses
Divide, Separate and Conquer

More important book reviews. More about the Born Again Republic.

Various editions of Born Again Republic are available from Amazon:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Plea for the Constitution of the United States, Wounded in the House of Its Guardians by George Bancroft

About A Plea for the Constitution of the United States, by George Bancroft:

George Bancroft knew the intent of the framers, expounders, and executors of the United States Constitution better, perhaps, than any of his contemporaries. Born in 1800, he had personally talked with James Madison, John Adams...

Too, he was well-qualified to discuss our Constitution as it applied to foreign nations, having been Secretary of the Navy and founder of the Naval Academy at Annapolis...

From the Introduction:

Good money must have an intrinsic value. The United States of America cannot make its shadow legal tender for debts payable in money without ultimately bringing upon their foreign commerce, and their home industry a catastrophe ...

Table of Contents for A Plea for the Constitution:

History of American Bills of Credit
Further History of Bills of Credit
The Doors Shut Against Paper Money
The Court and the Constitution
What is to be Done?
Selected Bibliography

More about Constitutional law. More about A Plea for the Constitution, by George Bancroft.

A Plea for the Constitution of the United States is available at Amazon:
A Plea for the Constitution of the United States, by George Bancroft

None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham

About None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham:

... communism is socialism and socialism (a plot to enslave the world) is not a movement of the downtrodden but a scheme supported and directed by the wealthiest of people.
-- Dan Smoot, Former Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover

This book concerns the way in which our nation and other nations are actually governed. As Benjamin Disraeli said, this is not the way in which most people think nations are governed.
-- Dr. Medford Evans, Former Chief of Security for the Atom Bomb Project

None Dare Call it Conspiracy Table of Contents:

Don't Confuse Me with Facts
Socialism -- Royal Road to Power For The Super-Rich
The Money Manipulators
Bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution
Establishing the Establishment
The Rockefellers And The Reds
Pressure From Above and Pressure From Below
You Are The Answer

More books about political corruption. More about None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham.

None Dare Call it Conspiracy is available at Amazon:
None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham (hardcover)
None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham (paperback)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims, by Andrew G. Bostom

"The politically correct would have it that Islam is a religion of peace, but in this far-ranging collection of Muslim and non-Muslim eyewitness accounts, theological treatises by great Muslim scholars and jurists throughout history and historical surveys of superb historians, Islam has in fact practiced a grisly jihad campaign against non-Muslims from its earliest days, in the hope of satisfying the Prophet Mohammed's end goal---forcing the "one true faith" upon the entire world." -- Alyssa A. Lappen

"The Legacy of Jihad provides a comprehensive, meticulously documented corrective to the genre of ahistorical assessments decried by Ellul. This unique, extensive compilation includes Muslim theological and juridical texts, eyewitness historical accounts by both Muslim and non-Muslim chroniclers, and essays by preeminent scholars analyzing jihad war and the ruling conditions imposed upon the non-Muslim peoples conquered by jihad campaigns. The Legacy of Jihad reveals how, for well over a millennium, across three continents—Asia, Africa, and Europe—non-Muslims who were vanquished by jihad wars, became forced tributaries (called dhimmi in Arabic), in lieu of being slain. Under the dhimmi religious caste system, non-Muslims were subjected to legal and financial oppression, as well as social isolation. Extensive primary and secondary source materials, many translated here for the first time into English, are presented, making clear that jihad conquests were brutal, imperialist advances, which spurred waves of Muslims to expropriate a vast expanse of lands and subdue millions of indigenous peoples. Finally, the book examines how jihad war, as a permanent and uniquely Islamic institution, ultimately regulates the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims to this day. Scholars, educators, and interested lay readers will find this collection an invaluable resource." -- William Nichols (wnichols *at*

The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims, by Andrew G. Bostom