Saturday, July 19, 2008

For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, by Ayn Rand

About Ayn Rand's For the New Intellectual:

"Who are to be the New Intellectuals?"
"Any man or woman who is willing to think. All those who know that man's life must be guided by reason, those who value their own life and are not willing to surrender it to the cult of despair in the modern jungle of cynical impotence, just as they are not willing to surrender the world to the Dark Ages and the rule of the brutes."

"In the introductory essay 'For the New Intellectual' -- a tour de force of psychological-philosophical interpretation -- Ayn Rand offers an analysis of Western culture, the causes of its progress, its decline, its present crisis, and the road to an intellectual renaissance."

"This book presents the essentials of Ayn Rand's philosophy 'for those who wish to acquire an integrated view of existence'. In the title essay she offers an analysis of Western culture, discusses the causes of its progress, its decline, its present bankruptcy, and points the road to an intellectual renaissance."

"What is the essence of her philosophy? That man's mind is fully competent to perceive reality -- that reason is man's exclusive tool of knowledge and his only guide to action -- that man is an end to himself, not a means to the ends of others, and that rational self-interest is the moral purpose of his life -- that justice, not self-sacrifice, is the proper principle of social relationships -- that 'a free mind and a free market are corollaries,' and their politico-economic expression is laissez-faire capitalism."

For the New Intellectual Table of Contents:


For the New Intellectual

We the Living


The Fountainhead
The Nature of the Second-Hander
The Soul of a Collectivist
The Soul of an Individualist

Atlas Shrugged
The Meaning of Money
The Martyrdom of the Industrialist
The Moral Meaning of Capitalism
The Meaning of Sex
"From Each According to His Ability, to Each According to His Need"
The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine
The Nature of an Artist
"This is John Galt Speaking"

More Ayn Rand books. More about the For the New Intellectual by Ayn Rand.

For the New Intellectual is available at Amazon:
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (paperback)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)
For the New Intellectual - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (hardcover)

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